My AC is making a noise. What does this mean?

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My AC is making a noise. What does this mean?


It can be unsettling when you hear strange or unusually loud noises through your air conditioner because you've gotten accustomed to depending on it to keep you cool.


Ignoring any odd A/C sounds could cause small problems to balloon into expensive problems. These noises can indicate anything from a simple tune-up to a complete unit replacement or repair for your air conditioner. The sooner you find the noise source and fix your A/C problems, the better.


Following are some typical noises that your air conditioner might produce, along with explanations of what they might mean and suggestions for fixing the problems.


What Sort of Sound is the Air Conditioner Making?

1. A banging sound

If the compressor for your air conditioner is pounding, then there is a broken or loose component inside the compressor. Hearing an exterior air conditioner make a pounding noise typically indicates that the compressor parts have become loose and are now rattling or banging around because of damage over time. A crankshaft, a piston pin, a connecting rod, support springs, or screws may be the damaged or loose component. Alternatively, if the hammering sound is coming from inside your house, your indoor blower can be out of balance.


You might need to hire a skilled professional to tighten or repair your system's loose or damaged parts to stop the pounding sound coming from your A/C compressor. If that still doesn't fix the problem, a complete compressor replacement might be necessary.


2. Clicking Sounds

Another indication that a part is broken or loose is clanking. The sealed unit's internal components have probably failed if the sound is emanating from it. The compressor itself may have gotten loose, requiring a replacement. A clanging noise may also indicate that the blades of an outdoor or indoor fan aren't in balance and are contacting other components.


Repairing your air conditioner's indoor blower or outside fan may be necessary to stop a clunking sound and bring the equipment back into equilibrium. To have a professional look at clanking noises already when they develop into more serious issues is always a smart idea.


3. Clicking Sound

The clicking sound your air conditioner makes at the beginning and end of a cooling period is typical. But continuous or persistent clicking is unusual. These sounds coming from your air conditioner may indicate:

  • the AC fans are blocked
  • losing its charge, the capacitor
  • incorrect electrical signals
  • an air conditioning unit fan that is not functioning properly
  • an inoperative thermostat


Simply lift the exhaust system cover and wash the fans down to solve an A/C fan obstruction. You call a qualified specialist to repair the problem if the A/C unit is continuously clicking because the capacitor is losing charge, there are bad electrical circuits, a faulty fan, or the thermostat isn't working properly.


4. Buzzing Sounds

Several problems could be present if the exterior unit of your air conditioner is buzzing:

  • Spare parts
  • Debris in the indoor unit or the outdoor unit
  • a loose or likely-to-fail outdoor fan motor
  • Incorrectly balanced or loose fan blades
  • The copper lines rubbing against something are running from the exterior to the interior.
  • It's necessary to clean the condenser coil.
  • Change the air filter, please.
  • The blower is malfunctioning or unbalanced.


You can fix the problem by either performing basic maintenance or by contacting an expert, depending on where the problem originated.


5. Sound of Squealing

The transmission of squeaks and squeals through the ventilation system points to a physical or air pressure problem that might be brought on by a broken blower or fan. The compressor wheel and enclosure would also squeal if they are broken, and both indoor and outdoor air motors and blower motors screech loudly when they are failing.


It's not uncommon for an air conditioner to start with a screeching noise. If the squealing sound is new and wasn't there before, call an expert to identify and fix the problem. If your appliance has always made this noise, it's probably fine.


6. A humming sound

Fortunately, a humming noise coming from your air conditioning unit is usually nothing serious. Nevertheless, it still indicates that something within the air conditioner is malfunctioning. Vibrations can be brought on by open-ended materials and refrigerant pipework. Unchecked maintenance problems could develop into more significant ones in the future.


Nevertheless, some humming sounds could be a symptom of an electrical issue. It may be due to loose connections or a damaged motor if you hear loud humming coming from the outdoor air conditioning unit and the compressor vibrates and won't turn on. The source of these electrical issues can be prevented and fixed with regular A/C maintenance carried out by trained experts.


7. Noise of Rattling

If you hear rattling coming from the condenser, your air conditioner may be starting to malfunction and some of its components may be wearing out. Twigs or leaves obstructing the A/C system could be another factor. The compressor and other components of the A/C unit may have been damaged if the operator inside the apparatus creates a chattering sound. The rattling brought on by a faulty fan may also be to blame.


Check the casing of your air conditioner for any loose screws or bolts, clean the condenser coils, and replace the indoor air filter to attempt and fix an A/C rattle on your own. The very next step is to contact a professional if you follow these instructions and your air conditioner is still rattling.


8. Whistling Sounds

A nitrogen leak, which can be hazardous to the health of both your family and your air conditioner, is most likely to be the cause of any loud, high-pitched A/C noises. It can also mean that the compressor has high internal pressure. Call a professional and turn off the air conditioner right now.


The sensor is working as intended and defending you from either a potentially dangerous situation if your air conditioner begins to whine or scream before shutting off on its own. But this indicates that you need immediate assistance from a specialist. While a repairman is diagnosing and fixing the problem, turn off the appliance.


There are solutions to quiet the noise if a service technician inspects your loud air conditioner but finds nothing wrong with it or if you simply want to reduce the noise the machine makes.


Soundproofing is an excellent way to stop the sounds from your outdoor air conditioning unit from entering your house.